
Sadie's Puppy Piñata

Last May in 2014, Sadie did a piñata for her 6th b-day.
I never posted the photos and still wanted to.
She was lucky enough to have her cousins
in town for her b-day and piñata party.

Sadie takes the first swings.
 There she goes, the wrong way!
Go Brandon Go
Cousin Claire's turn, with her mom, Sally
Cousin Kate, looks on;
she thinks we're doing something very weird.
Everyone back away, it's cousin Hunter's turn.
Cousin Haylee's up next
Tate, where are you going?
You're walking away from the piñata.
Everyone get out of the way quick,
Tate's swingin'
Kyle takes his job seriously.
He thinks he's the one to get the job done.
Lindy gives it her best shot.
All of the kids attack the candy that's fallen to the ground!
Sadie's great grandpa was able to be at the party too.

1 comment:

Karen said...

So much fun! Love the shorts weather! Seems like soooo long ago. I can't believe all that has happened since then!!