How's your summer going so far? With kids?
Minute by minute we are either loving it, or we're wondering how we're going to survive it all.
I found this quote on instagram that I could relate to:
"5 min. ago, I was pulling cookies out of the oven and thinking how much I [love] my life.
4 min. ago, all 3 kids were screaming like horror movie extras.
3 min. ago, I crammed cookies in my mouth to keep from shouting.
2 min. ago, I took off my shoes so I wouldn't go outside
and hide in my Cheerio receptacle, I mean minivan.
1 min. ago, I was thinking how much I hate my life.
Right now, everyone is quiet and drinking smoothies, [I love my life]!"
Here's some of my summer survival tips:
Some things I've done through the years to enjoy my kids a little more, and SURVIVE.
Read a chapter book with your kids.
Surprisingly, even my older kids will come over when I start reading.
We don't always pick a smart, classic. Sometimes they're just silly books that make us laugh.
This is our book this summer:
Snow Cones!
Visit your local snow cone shack at least once a week!
It helps break up a long, hot afternoon. This has been one of my best survivial tips.
I only let the kids get the smallest size to cut down on the cost, esp. when we go once a week.
It's also a great incentive to help them get some work/chores done.
Allowance, Job Charts
Summer is a great time, to help your kids do some chores.
I have found, that during the school year, when they have homework, and more schedules, kid chores create tension and stress in our home. So summer, has become the best time, when we're a little more relaxed to help them learn some jobs. We track what they do a little more, and I pay them their age, for an allowance. We go to the bank, where they make deposits, see how much they're saving, and we teach them about tithing. They also keep some of their money for spending. Our new tradition is to have them buy their own school supplies at the end of the summer. This helps them get their favorite glitter glue, or pink binder, if they can afford it, and they're also more prone to just use the pencils and crayons we already have at home, before buying brand new stuff.
Library Summer Reading Program
We like to participate in our library summer reading program, where the kids can earn prizes.
Sometimes the prize is a trip to a local restaurant, which is fun to do with my kids in the summer.
Free Lunch in the Park
Our local cities offer free lunches for kids in the park.
This has been a great way to get out of the house, and FEED the kids.
Take a Trip Tuesday
We try to go do something each week.
A museum, a hike, sometimes a tour.
Tours can include: Bakeries, restaurant, police/fire stations, libraries, government buildings, etc.
Last summer we did Blue Apron.
They send you a recipe, with all the ingredients for a meal.
I'm doing it again this summer.
I don't like cooking as much in the summer, my brain is a little more mushy, and Hot.
Plus, the kids like to help, and we learn some new recipes and cooking techniques.
I have some codes if you want to try your 1st meal for free.
Leave a comment, and I'll send you the code by email.
This summer I'm trying Kiwi Crate.
They send 1 box each month, of a craft/science/art project with the supplies
and instructions to complete a project. I only did the 3 mon. subscription
for the summer. I got a discount code from their facebook account.
We've gotten our 1st box for June, and my kids enjoyed it.
We are looking forward to our next month's projects.
This is way cheaper, than sending my kids to art or science camp,
and we get to do it in our own home! It's a Win Win for me.
Summer Bingo has worked in the past,
I didn't need to do it this summer.
That quote is really funny. I like all your ideas!
Love the summer bingo!
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