
A weekend

Over the weekend, I painted a book shelf
Chris mowed the lawn,
we celebrated cousin Spencer's 15th birthday,
Lindy competed in National History Day for her Rachel Carson project,
at the same time she came down with a fever, and aches,
and spent the rest of the weekend in bed,
We took the rest of the kids to see the new Disney Jungle Book, movie.
It was a a cold, rainy weekend,
perfect weather for a movie outing with the kids.
(But matinee prices are $$, yikes,
we may not be doing that again anytime soon.)
I thought the movie was fun seeing all the animals,
and Bill Murray was a great voice to the bear character.
The tiger character was mean, so there were a few scary parts for little, littles.
Our 5 year old did okay with it.

We attended church, Chris and I did a little family history,
and later enjoyed a family dinner and dessert with friends.

Now onto Monday, and another week!


Karen said...

I loved hearing about your weekend. All sounds great minus Lindy being sick.

Stacey said...

Hope Lindy is feeling better!