
Ode to the Neon

Car update:
Our neon was in the shop this week. We did some work on it so we can run it to the ground.
It only cost $425.oo! Which is much, much cheaper than buying another car. Used or new.
The repair guy said,
"Oh yeah, you're good to go for many more years.
We've seen neons go for 250,000+ miles."
Great news, right? We can keep it another 10 years. 
A lesson for everyone: 
If you want to drive a neon for 20+ years, take good care of it.
Get your oil changed regularly. Never have it towed, stolen, keyed, or backed into.
Don't drive it across the country,
and never under any circumstances take it to Canada full of all your worldly possessions.
Use it to begin your adult life, for independence,
 and discovering what you will do with your life.
Use it as a shiny, red sports car when you're single to lure in potential husbands.
They will love that you own your own car.
(Instead of a 10 cow wife I was a plymouth neon wife. It makes a great dowry.
10 cow wife is reference to a mormon movie, you have to have seen the movie to understand)
Share the car with others.
Use it as your only car, as you begin your newlywed years.
Bring home your first baby from the hospital in it.
Let your husband enjoy it as a great commuter car that gives you great gas mileage.
Who needs a Prius or hybrid when you have a neon?
We love you Strawberry,  you're a keeper!
Part of the family, that's for sure!
Thanks dad & mom for the gift that keeps on giving.
Next goal for car: Lindy driving it!


MollyE said...

Wow, that is good news. What a car!

Rebecca said...

Who is driving that thing in the picture you posted? Is it Lindy?

Amy Mak said...

I can't believe that you still have strawberry...I remember when you got that car! And I remember a lot of those incidents (esp. the Canada trip and driving with you to BOSTON pre-Chris days!) Ode to the Neon is right.

Karen said...

I remember I just got my permit and I drove the neon out to provo with the fam to surprise you for grad. Wow that was a long time ago. I wonder who will die first, strawberry or Cam.

Jeremy said...

Go Strawberry!