
Warm Fuzzies

If you need a quick Family Home Evening idea, we used Pres. Monson's talk about service.
We sang the song, Have I done any good? ( I put the words on paper so the reading kids could learn/sing the song better) We shared a couple scriptures from the talk, then told the kids the story about the primary kids who put warm fuzzies in a jar when they did something good.  We got a container and showed them our own stash of warms fuzzies. We encouraged our family to do the same.
Fill up our container with warm fuzzies every time somebody does something nice for somebody else.
(I hope these warm fuzzies will not end up all over the house, but of course they will.)

Lindy asked at the end, "What's the prize if we fill up the whole jar?"
"What do we get? What do we get?", she continued.

"Happiness" I said with a frown.

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