
More Tate-isms

Photography by Kyle
"I'll pay ya to go get me a popsicle. I"ll pay ya to get my blanket for me. I have money upstairs, I'll pay you 50 Cents to go get stuff for me." Tate says these quotes to members of his family while he hangs out on the couch.

"Mom, I forgot what gum tastes like. I need you to get me some." 

Tate has just started playing house with Sadie. He is the dad, she is the mom.
"Honeeey, Honeeey." "Sometimes I call Sadie, honey when we play house."


Stacey said...

He looks like Macaulay Culkin from Home Alone in that picture.


Forgot what gum tastes like! CLASSIC! I think I've forgotten what cheesecake tastes like--I need a reminder!