

I am loosing sleep.  I'm suffering from blogger-post mania.  All of these post ideas keep running through my head. Not sure if it is creative energy or I'm taking this blogging a bit too seriously.
Oh dear!  The only other thing that might explain my problem is: I'm suffering from a bad cold that's keeping me from sleeping. Hopefully, this blogger-post mania is good medicine for a bad cold.  Either Way, Enjoy the following posts below:  
(P.S. My sister Molly is a great blogger. Her doctor's advice: Post once a day!  She's probably right.  Hopefully, once I get most of these out of my head, my cold included, we can follow that good advice!)


MollyE said...

Ha,ha, ha. I'm glad you didn't listen because I like all your posts! I am so excited they are doing sense and sensibility again. That is the best one I think, way better than the Hugh Grant one. Love it!!!

Sally said...

I love all of your posts! so great. i wish i could get into the PBS series, but we don't have cable. and when was molly on tv??

Heidi said...

I'm so glad you have a blog and I can learn about all your favorites. I write blogs in my head all day. Most of the time I don't have time/energy to actually post them. It's definitely therapeutic for me.

Stacey said...

Yeah, don't worry, your post mania probably won't last too long and then we'll all be wondering what happened to you and why your not posting anymore.

Katie said...

Sally, that is the great thing about PBS. You don't need cable. We don't have it either

Amanda said...

Too funny! I'm so glad you have a blog. I'm always thinking of posts, but then I forget what they are once I get to the computer.

Karen said...

I do this constantly. I'll be lying awake in bed sooo tired but I have all these creative posts in my head. You've never seen any of them because for some reason in the morning they don't seem as good anymore

Sally said...

well we actually don't get any channels in our small apartment...

Mama Yo said...

I love it!! Yes, you have a bonafide case of blogger-post mania. For sure!