
Please Speak Up!

As a fun Christmas surprise, Chris got me an itouch for Christmas. I was very excited!
Before I could enjoy it the kids took over.  I've managed to get it back and try to start using it.

Then the big shocker came. After using it for about a month, I noticed in the app store there are  inappropriate apps you can download. The app store shows a small square picture of the app you can buy. I immediately began trying to configure my itouch to have restrictions over what you can and can't view. After being on the phone with tech support, (thankfully, it was a female worker), we figured out you can only set restrictions on what you can download, not what you view in the app store.
There must be stricter restrictions on what anyone can view in the app store.

Bottom line, if my kids play with my itouch (which they had been doing) they will see these apps.
Which is truly awful.
Even if I didn't let my kids play with the itouch, I would see these apps.
Which I truly hate.

The thing is. . .this is way bigger than me.  This must be happening on all cell phone apps.
It's not just apple. I'm disturbed and upset by the whole thing.
I can easily return my itouch, but it doesn't stop the problem.
For now the kids and I have stopped using it.
When I think about everyone with their cell phone devices and their apps and all the kids, teenagers, and anyone who is tempted by such images and text, it makes me sick to my stomach.

I'm sorry for this long post, I felt I needed to say something.
If you have noticed the same problem, please speak up.
You can send a report to Apple, by clicking on the app and scroll down.
(But, I hate even clicking on the app)
That is doing something. I think more should be said, though.
Here are contacts for Apple by phone.
You can write them at this address:

1 Infinite Loop
Cupertino, CA 95014
Here are contacts for T-Mobile, At&t, Verizion

I did get a hold of someone through tech support and talked to someone from Apple, she said she would tell the engineers. I am just one voice, the first time she had heard of this complaint.
I believe if more of us SPEAK UP, changes can and WILL be made. We have to do something.
Our children, our nieces and nephews, our families, and extended families will be directly impacted if this isn't stopped or restricted NOW.  I feel very strongly about this.

Thank you for your help. Feel free to share this post, to help others speak up.


Janis said...

Good post, Katie! Dan met with all the bishops in our stake last night and they said they are having more problems with the youth because of cell phones and what they see on them than computers. I'm glad you are encouraging parents to take a stand!

Unknown said...


Thanks for putting this out there. IF goodness speaks loudly, goodness will prevail.