
Nativity tragedies at my house

I love nativity sets from all over the world.
I think they are unique, beautiful, and relfect the majesty of the Savior's love for each of us.

I have started collecting one here and there.  I really love them!

But, when I have young children at home, I shouldn't start such a beautiful collection.
Look what happens:

WiseMen lose their heads,

the poor baby Jesus goes missing,

Joseph becomes one-handed,

and donkeys lose their hearing. So sad.


MollyE said...

I let Matthew play with my expensive fancy nativity this morning. I couldn't help it, he was just so excited!

Karen said...

Those pictures are funny and sad. Haylee plays with my nativity set all the time. It's irrestitable to her. The stable is always empty and there are sherperds, angels, and animals all over my house.


A few years ago a good friend gave our family a nearly unbreakable nativity. All made of wood and meant for children (they can actually build the stable--with blocks) and then place the other pieces in and around. I love it. Sadly, pieces have been lost--just a few--for now. Turns out, there is no "perfect" nativity for little ones. I hope my children will at least remember having one in their childhood. Thanks for the reminder....I need to get it out of storage!