
Silly Stuff

This post was made over the summer. Silly that I forgot to post it.
Some pictures from the weekend:
Kyle making a Silly pose.

Lindy and I got haircuts and matching dresses. Silly!

Silly to match.
The opportunity came up at Target to get the matching dresses.
and I thought why not?
She's growing up so fast and then she would never be caught dead matching with me.
She would know that's just plain Silly.

Nothing Silly about this, just Kyle and his trophy for playing soccer.
Well, now that you mention it, I think paying for these dumb trophies is Silly.
It's just a dust collector, we already payed plenty to enroll in this soccer stuff.
Why do we have to pay for a trophy?
A piece of paper/certficate would work just as well.

1 comment:

Tricia said...

I totally agree on the whole trophy thing.

Cute dresses!