
What do Bulldogs, Bears & Butterfly Bandits have in common?

The kids start soccer this week.
Tate's team are the Bears
Kyle's the Bulldogs
& Lindy's the Butterfly Bandits
I never wanted to be a soccer mom.
Nothing against soccer, it just seemed like if you have a kid then you buy a minivan and you go to your kid's soccer games.  If we went to soccer, I wanted it to be for the love of the game, not because that's what every parent does.
The story of how I became a "Soccer Mom":
When Kyle was 2 or a 3 he was in that grumpy, toddler boy phase.
One day in the spring we were at a park, and far away some teenage girls were playing soccer.
Kyle ran after them, ( I had never seen him do that before)
The girls were nice and let him play soccer with them.
His eyes lit up in a way I had never seen before.
(Maybe he likes girls, I thought)
It was soccer, he loved it, he was a different boy. Happy.
He has been playing ever since. 
Lindy has been good to go to his games and cheer, but this year I could tell she wanted a piece of the action. She's been playing at school and tells me it is a lot of fun.
Tate is in the phase I mentioned earlier, and how could he sit out while Kyle and Lindy go to soccer.  So, I'm a soccer mom. . .it is only until May.  
Kyle,4 Spring 2008
Kyle,3 Spring 2007


Karen said...

wow that is a lot of games and practices to go to but sounds like so much fun. Weston and I can't wait until Haylee can play sports. Lets just hope she likes sports. Will they have any games when I'm there in the beginning of May?

Amy Mak said...

Kate, I'm so proud!

MollyE said...

What? 3 in soccer? You must be crazy!

Mom said...

It all sounds great, until I read your last few words, . . . IT IS ONLY UNTIL MAY

This may be the longest spring of your life! when you are a soccer mom, May is a long ways off. from an ex soccer mom