
Sadie Eats Prunes!

I want to highlight each of my kids in the next week or so. I'll start with Sadie.
Sadie is 9 1/2 mon.
She is a thumb sucker and blanket snuggler. Which is probably why she has slept through the night better than any of the other kids.  Even as a newborn.
She is very happy and enjoys people.
You can tell that Sadie loves her family, just being part of all the noise and commotion.
There is always something going on that entertains her. 
She is up more during the day, and close to crawling. She gets in position by streeeetttccchhhiinngg to get a toy. She waves at people, and almost clapped for the first time today cheering Tate on at gymnastics.
She rocks out to music all the time. She sits there and just starts bouncing and moving her whole body to singing, the radio, or anytime the piano starts. (Which always get a laugh from people at church)  She is very cute, a little flirty, and everyone likes her.
She also loves to eat food, and has been my best baby about eating rice cereal, jars of baby food, and loosing interest in nursing much faster than the other kids.  Her favorite combo:
Rice Cereal and Prunes. I know it sounds a little disgusting, but the prunes give it that sweet taste. She takes after the Wismer side of the family for liking prunes. As an inside joke, it is sure to help you live a long, long life.


Karen said...

What a cutie! I can't wait for you guys to come so Haylee and her can play together. They will have so much fun with each other. I'm constantly trying to convince Weston to move back to boise for this very reason.

MollyE said...

Prunes? I don't want to change those diapers!! Sadie is a doll!