(Sally directing Colt)
My sister Sally and her new husband Colt came to visit us this weekend.
It was great getting to know Colt.
Friday night we played Back Seat Drawing. The game goes like this:
The person drawing has no idea what they are drawing and has to follow directions from "the director". LOVE the game, even the kids can play. Fun for all ages!

(Lindy directing Dad)
Saturday for Valentine's Day, Chris supported the ward b-ball team in a couple of games for a tournament. Our ward won the championship. 1st Place!! Chris said he made a crucial pass.
Loved his team effort. Go Summerset Ward!
For lunch, we all went to a new restaurant in town. TUCANOS
The waiters come to your table and let you slice off different kinds of meat. The kids had fun saying yes or no to the choices of meat offered to them. Kyle loved the revolving door at the restaurant the best, Lindy loved the turkey wrapped in bacon, Tate the watermelon, Sadie everything, and Chris the grilled pineapple.
We spent the afternoon with the cousins Spencer, Sam, and Matthew. The kids played Batman Wii. Thanks Molly & Jeremy! Moms agreed we love legoland video games.
Later, we ate heart & letter pancakes made by a hunky Valentine Chef.
The Valentine festivities continued when Chris rented "Journey to the Center of the Earth" with Brendan Fraser. Chris was certain Sally and I love Brendan Fraser. We assured him we didn't, but enjoyed the movie anyway. Well, the kids did, since they were sent to bed, snuck back down and thought they were cool staying up late.
Also part of the weekend for journal purposes (Keep reading if you are part of our immediate family): Chris took Kyle skiing, while I suffered a migraine, Lindy and Tate made valentine cookies & painted them with edible paint (water, pwdr sugar, & food coloring). I did manage to watch Hugh in "About a Boy" while I cleaned house. Fantastic Movie! Loved it!
we LOVED the weekend, thanks for letting us stay with you! brendan was a great addition to our night!
What a great Valentine's day, minus the migraine part. I'm still pretty sad that Haylee can't live by her cousins. She would love to play with them all the time. They are all so adorable.
I can't believe you made it to my favorite restaurant before me! We almost went last Friday but we figured it would be busy. We just got our $10 gift cards in the mail though (you can get them free on their website) so I think we might go this weekend.
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