I even feel sympathetic to husbands too. There is a lot of pressure on them to get wife's b-days, anniversaries, Christmas, & Valentine's right. They are also suppose to be good all year in between those events by helping out with kids, housework, monthy home teaching, plus have a great career. (They are also required to put up with our variety of emotions, moods, and lots of talking, in my case, all year long.)
I would eat these:
All of these events keep coming year after year. I get through one and then there is another one the next week or even day. I'm feeling anti-Valentine's this year. Do I have to plan one more thing? For the record I love my husband, kids, extended family & friends. Very appreciative of all of you.
This year I would like to go to an island on Saturday by myself. Just for the night.
I would have a comfortable, soft, fluffy bed in a room with a beautiful window overlooking the wide blue ocean, sunset, and listen to sounds of waves crashing peacefully.

& I would have a Hugh Grant Movie Marathon
(The pictures took forever to download, I gave up.)
The movies titles are
"Notting Hill"
"Two weeks Notice"
"About a Boy"
"Music & Lyrics"
(Hugh Grant's characters makes funny romantic comedies, he makes me laugh. Laughing always energizes me)
I still would like to enjoy Valentine's Day this year, but just doing the things I would like.
No one else would sit through 4 Hugh Grant movies, that's why I would go by myself.
I believe if I could have Sat. to myself I could:
Make Green eggs n ham, Hide Easter Eggs, Buy Chris an amazing ski package for his b-day, Bake cupcakes for Sadie's 1st, and plan a fun summer for 4 children.
Could I please come with you? I promise not to make any noise or disturb you in any way. If I sat down to watch a movie, I promise I'd be asleep in 5 minutes. I would thoroughly enjoy the sun and sand!
hahaha, I agree with you. I've been stressed all day about what to do for Weston and what he's going to get me. So I'm getting my hair cut and highlighted on V day. It's as close to an island retreat as I could get.
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