Tate is my shopping buddy while the older kids are at school. He is a good helper. (I do recommend bringing a toy shopping cart to uncrowded, empty stores.)
Look what Sadie can do now? She doesn't want to shop strapped in the carseat carrier anymore.

Do I need this? What do you think? I have survived three children without one. But maybe my shopping experience at our local grocery store will be more beautiful if I had one. Would we have less runny, drippy noses if we had one as well? Thoughts, Comments?
Costco Post: I've noticed almost every blog has a Costco post, so here is mine:
Sadie was crying in Costco because
Tate also wanted to join in the fun, but he couldn't find the garbage cans fast enough. "Mom, this tastes yucky!" His new Costco project - locate garbage cans Now my blog is complete. I have a Costco post.
Costco Post: I've noticed almost every blog has a Costco post, so here is mine:
Sadie was crying in Costco because
- She had a runny nose
- She needed a diaper change
- The "Sample Ladies" were not giving her samples fast enough
Tate also wanted to join in the fun, but he couldn't find the garbage cans fast enough. "Mom, this tastes yucky!" His new Costco project - locate garbage cans Now my blog is complete. I have a Costco post.
Hahaha funny post. I've always debated if I should get one of those padded cart things for Haylee. Shopping carts are digusting to me especially the walmart ones, so maybe they would be nice. But I don't think you would use it very long. Haylee is now at the point where she wants to walk, push the cart herself or stand in the back. She will only sit in the cart the right way if I'm sticking treats in her mouth as fast as she can chew
Oh my goodness, Sadie is so cute!
Wait a minute.... you brought your own toy shopping cart to the store with you? Wow! You are serious!
That is a great idea to bring your own toy shopping cart. I'll have to remember that. AS far as the cart cover thing goes, I'd be glad to receive it as a gift and would probably use it, but would never buy one myself.
Amanda - loved your beach/sand idea in the winter.
Can't wait to try it!!
Molly- my 2-3 yr olds love bring the toy cart
I can only bring it with one toddler only.
They love it and surprisingly the shopping experience goes more smoothly.
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