
I feel like I can breathe again

(sunflower photo taken by Katie)

It is so nice to have the kids back in school.
It's great to have some family schedule and structure.

It's nice to have 2 kids at home, and with Sadie in preschool,
even just 1 kid for an hour or so during my week.

It feels so nice.
I'm lovin' the quiet and just being home.

I feel like I can BREATHE again.
I feel like I can think more clearly,
and put our house in order.

I haven't had that feeling in a long time.
It feels so nice.

Chris and I have found some time to exercise together - walking & running.
This has been fun.
We've been better at doing some weekend dates again.
That is so nice too!

I still worry about lots of different kinds of things:
-How to manage screen time
-Why does Sadie suck her thumb so much
-Do my kids know how to work and finish jobs
-Feeding everyone 3X's a day
-Decluttering and keeping our home tidy

As we settle in to our fall schedules and routines,
I'm finding these worries
are working themselves out.

This month I'm decluttering our home.
It's long overdue.
I'm doing a room or closet or space in our home each day.
So far, it's going well, and it's such a good feeling.
Each room or space I have 2 large garbage bags for
D.I. or garbage.
Then I take notes for what each space will need to help it stay more organized.

It all feel so nice.

1 comment:

Karen said...

What a refreshing post!!! I feel less stressed about my day just reading this!!! So happy to hear you are doing well!!