
Swimming in December!

We managed a trip to Utah over the weekend.

We took the kids to see the lights at Temple Square. We had never done this before.
The kids were cold, even though we bundled them as best we could.

Overall, Temple Square was beautiful and it left with me a great Christmas feeling.
I felt warm.

We also went to Provo, for the Christmas Around the World International Folk Dance Show.
It was fun, and the kids managed to sit through most of the show.
Sadie had to be excused a couple of times.
Chris was a BYU folk dancer when he went to college, they had a 50 yr. Christmas reunion this year.

It was kinda of weird driving into Provo with a minivan and walking on campus with our kids.
I felt like I was 20 again, with all my same thoughts, and emotions of being a student again.
But, it was fun to look at my kids and Chris, knowing that part of my adult life & some of my dreams have worked out better than I ever thought it would.

We stayed in a hotel with a pool, That's all what the kids wanted to do was: SWIM.
That was the jist of our weekend get-a-way: Swimming in December!

P.S. I also think traveling with kids is a lot of work. It's all about the memories, right?
I keep telling myself that.


Stacey said...

Cute picture! Looks like fun!

MollyE said...

What a great picture!

Karen said...

Ah such a cute picture! I love the temple in the background. I was just thinking I should take Haylee swimming this month. It's such a fun activity. Swimming in december sounds great. Despite all the work I hope you will have some fun memories of this trip too. I love temple square in december. Brings back good memories of getting engaged.


I LOVE the lights on Temple Square. We have not done that as a family. So glad you enjoyed a weekend away! Yes--traveling with children IS a lot of work! Some of our traveling memories (namely--long hours in a car together) aren't worth speaking of! Sigh. But usually our destinations are fun and memorable. I'll call you. Sorry I missed you this week.