
Some Random Halloween Pictures

Chris learned this year that if you grow pumpkins in your garden; then you can scratch out a name or word when the pumpkins are still green. Then when it is time to pick your orange pumpkin;
these are your results:

Lindy in her school parade. I'm so glad her school still does the kid's halloween parade.
We look forward to it every year; watching all the fun kids' costumes in the light without there coats on.

Sadie wanted to wear Lindy's witch wig. It was a great sight, and she made us all laugh!
The photos don't really show how funny it was in person to see.

This picture shows how hard it was to get a picture of the kids being still for their Halloween costume picture! It was a scary thing trying to accomplish.

1 comment:

Sally said...

I started laughing as soon I saw the wig on sadie! hilarious. great wig!