One of my favorite childhood memories is eating watermelon with my family.
We would eat it all summer.
My mom has "the gift" for picking out the best watermelon.
My dad also picked out his share of great watermelons.
He has "the gift" too.
Simple memories: nothing planned, expensive, or full of non-stop entertainment.
Just eating a good watermelon, together.
The other night when it was dinner time, Chris was due home any minute.
I had not made dinner.
I wanted too, but nothing looked good to make.
Sadie had her usual fussy dinner hour, just wanted me to hold her.
I was hot and tired, and just hoped the magical dinner fairy would arrive to make, cook, serve, and clean up dinner.
She did in a way. I gave everyone a big piece of juicy watermelon.
Dinner was served and it was delicious.
P.S. I don't like the white seeds in watermelon. I still spit them out.
Seedless grapes are seedless. But, seedless watermelon still has seeds.
I know I'm the only one and I'm weird, but I miss the black seeds.
They were big and easy to spit out. It was part of the fun of eating watermelon.
hmmm that makes me crave watermelon right now. Sadly I never buy it because weston is allergic to it.
I remember my Mom serving us BIG pieces of watermelon for dinner on hot summer days.....we had no air conditioning, and I can still see and taste that delicious watermelon. It's never tasted so good since. And like you, I remember the fun of sitting around with the family, picking out seeds, and discussing our day. Ah, sweet memories!
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