I hope you all had a good st. patrick's day.
May you all have good luck in the months ahead!
I don't like to hype this holiday too much. I just encourage the children to wear green clothes.
Lindy came down the stairs, this morning before school and asked, "Mom, where is the stuff the leprechan left." Did she think a leprechan was bringing her stuff like Santa? Since she seemed disappointed this morning, I made green eggs and ham for dinner. The kids gobbled it up. I thought it was green and groce.
Maybe I should dye their food every night. Orange, Purple, Blue, etc. They might eat more of my cooking if I did that. By the way, I don't use liquid food coloring anymore. Too watery, color always too light. I learned to use Wilton Icing Colors. It's pasty, works great, like magic. Not too expensive, shouldn't be more than a couple bucks for a little jar, and it will last you through most of your kids b-day cakes. Highly recommend. I guess you should still use the watery food color to dye your easter eggs, though.
You can get the Wilton stuff in the cake decorating section of a store like Michael's or even Walmart. This picture shows pastel colors, but you can achieve rich dark colors if you need.

Overheard today:
Lindy said, "I know, mom throws all my papers away too." Kyle continued, "Yea, all my papers just go straight to recycling." "All my work, that I work so hard on just thrown away, can you believe that?", Lindy addded.
Ha ha! I do the same thing with the papers, and I only have one preschooler. She frequently finds the papers in the garbage and demands..."MO--ooom! Did you put this in here!?!" Ooops. "How did that get in there??" What else can you do?
I throw everything away too. My kids were so upset that I finally decided on a compromise. I got a magnetic white board for each of them and put them in my playroom. They can put whatever they want on it, but they've only got that one board!
Ditto...but somehow my countertops are STILL buried in a pile of papers (not to mention crumbs, syrup, misc. toys, etc.)
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