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Happy Birthday Mom!

Fun Facts about my Mom
- She is a competitive game player
- She likes & appreciates nice things
- She has a strong testimony of the gospel, & has been active in the church all her days
- She loves girls and girly things
- She loves shopping
- She loves matching shoes & jewelry with her outfits
- Speaking of jewelry she has never pierced her ears
- She loves to talk, & talks super fast
- She is a great public speaker, & does amazing research when she prepares a talk
- She likes walking for exercise
- She is a hard, hard worker
- Of all the housework chores to do, laundry is her favorite
- She always put chocolate sauce on her ice cream, except Tillamook brand ice cream, she can eat that plain.
- She enjoys watching old movies, classics with Cary Grant
- One of her favorite colors is pink
- She enjoys gardening
- She loves, cares deeply about her family. They are always on her mind.
- She likes to stick to a budget, by keeping cash in envelopes
- She has thick, thick, thick hair
- She grew up in CA, she doesn't like hot, hot weather
- She drives a red Toyota RAV
- She misses her mom
- She married young, without a college degree, but strongly encouraged her daughters to get their degrees. She sacrificed a great deal to help her children get to college.
- 5 of her 6 children have been through the temple and all of her children are active in the church today
- She serves in the Relief Society presidency in her ward
- Her life is an adventure all the time
- She appreciates her husband and enjoys his friendship
- She loves getting together with her sisters
- One of her favorite places to visit is Nauvoo, IL
- She has 5 grandsons & 3 granddaughters
Great post about a great lady! She must be my sister because we match on at least half of the things: #1,2,3,7,10,12,13,15,16,17,20,22,
27,28 and 29!
That was really fun to read, great post!
Wow, that was fun. I learned some new things about your mom!
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