Sweet, innocent boys playing with teddy bears (photography by Lindy)
Trouble is, the boys and I aren't getting along right now. Not really in the mood to highlight them with delight.
Tate, 3 : whines A LOT and even though, is toilet trained and can do the whole process by himself, INSISTS I help him. Which is always at inconvenient times, making dinner, feeding Sadie, helping Lindy, laundry, blogging (some time for myself, is that deserved?), working with Kyle, etc. The worse part is the potty dance, desperate holding techniques; until I give in, pull his pants down, and sit him on the toilet (All of which I have seen him do by himself.)
Last week, I decided to help him no more, he was on his own, regardless of the consequences: wetting his pants, having an accident on the carpet, etc.
MISTAKE, on my part: Now he is having accidents like he doesn't care. Even a middle of the night-wet the bed one. Monday, today, I was back to helping him undress and putting him on the toilet. "Phew, that was a close one, Mom." he replied this morning.
Kyle, 5: has decided he is done with preschool. "Too much work" he insists. Runs away when it's time, won't get ready, kicks & kicks while I try to put his shoes on. He is also into running away, and just not cooperating in general when it's time to be obedient, he's getting really strong and it's difficult to speak nicely, then more firmly, and loudly to get him to do the right thing, or use a strong grip when he's acting up.
They are both home with me most of the time. It is getting warmer outside. I try to send them out, for us all to get a break. "Noooo, I don't want to, it's too cold.", they both tell me. Even the usual gum bribe (see left side bar) hasn't worked.
This week's goals:
- Give more hugs, praise to Kyle & Tate
- Go outside to play with them
- Continue helping Tate go to the bathroom
Oh Katie - much of this sounds very familiar! But that picture of Tate is just hilarious. Seth saw me looking at your blog, and said, "who's that". I said "That's Tate!". And he says, "Ahhh, Tate!". Guess you had to be there. It was a funny response that picture elicited!
Wow, I'm exhausted just reading about those two nutty boys. I guess boys will be boys. It's a good thing they are sooo cute!! I love how you said you're not really getting along with them right now. That was funny.
I loved this post. Makes me realize that everyone goes through these things with their kids...not just me. My 4 1/2 year old is the SAME way with preschool. It is such a struggle to get out of the door. I don't even want to think of how kindergarten will be for us next year. And my 2 1/2 yr old will go potty by himself, but refuses to do so without taking off all of his clothes. So, everytime he goes, I have to redress him. It even happened at a church activity a few months ago. I had a naked little boy running around carrying his pants and unders, trying to get someone to put his clothes back on. Sheesh.
So, I too am going to join you on this week's goals. Thanks for the boost.
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