
A Blogger's Threat

I return a lot of things to stores like Target, Fred Meyer, Walmart, etc. I'm good at keeping receipts and follow and know the rules for each store so returns are relatively hassle free. I'm amazed when you have a receipt how great each store and clerk is about returns. Until this week! I bought some holiday items from JoAnn's, a fabric/craft store, that I never used and kept them in the store bag. I kept the receipt, which stated clearly there is a 90 day return policy. With the economy and my recent family budget check, I decided to return the items. The clerk said no, since they were "seasonal". I said there is no sign/rule or is it stated on the receipt that you can't return seasonal items. I then asked to speak to her supervisor. Who said the same thing. I was mad and felt it was unfair that the rule is not communicated to the consumers. I let them know I would tell the better business bureau and here is the best part, I said:
"I have a blog that many women look at and will gladly tell everyone that I will not shop at JoAnn's anymore. This is unfair and bad business."
The store employees gave me a blank stare and refused to let me return the items. The end.


Karen said...

Katie you make me laugh! I've never been much of a Joanns fan either. I'll choose Craft Warehouse anyday

Stacey said...

Ew. I'm never shopping there again.

Rebecca said...

You go back and tell them that Big momma is done shoppping there too!

PS, what were the items? I am having a garage sale July 10 at 7006 SW Glenwood Ct., maybe I can sell them! Surprise Karen, yes, we are having a garage sale then, funsy!

Kathryn said...

Ok, I already didn't like that store, but now you tipped the scale! You speak for us all! Moral of story: We need to check to see if our items are "seasonal?" How are we supposed to know??

Rebecca said...

I took back some unopened ghirardelli peppermint bark candy, with holly on the outside packaging. I bought it in Nov. and forgot about it, so took it back in Jan. I thought they might tell me to eat it and enjoy it, which I would have gladly done, but I had the receipt and I got a full refund. Under the circumstances of unemployed, I had not choice but to take it, CHEERS for Target!!! 90 days on anything!!!

Kristen said...

I love it that you told them you have a blog! Ha ha. I wish I could have seen the blank stare. Thanks for the info. I will also stay away from JoAnn's from now on. And I am sure you are not the only person they have refused to accept seasonal items from. They are probably losing a lot more customers than just us.