
My Testimony

I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I have been a member all of my life, but have had to gain my own testimony and faith.  It has come bit by bit, piece by piece, a good feeling here and a warm feeling there. It has always felt right and comfortable. The truth is I love being a member of this church. I love it!  It makes me happy. I love that it teaches me about where I lived before I came to earth, my purpose for being here on earth now, and where we go after we die.

I am a Christian. I believe in the living Jesus Christ. I know that in the Garden of Gethsamane Jesus Christ atoned for my sins, and for the sins of everyone who has lived and will live on this earth. It is hard to understand how that is possible, but I know that this event took place. I know that he was crucified, and rose again three days later. Because of Jesus Christ, we can all be resurrected, and live again after we leave this life. That knowledge is a great comfort to me.

Joseph Smith, a young boy of 14, who lived in the eastern United States during the 1800's began to wonder and question which church he should join. He decided to pray. The heavens were opened, and God the Father and his son Jesus Christ, appeared to the boy.  I know that vision took place. I know.
Later he translated the Book of Mormon, a companion to the Bible, that testifies of Jesus Christ and is a second witness to the Savior's teachings. I have read the book many times. The spirit has manifest the truth of it to me. I love the Book of Mormon. It is great scripture. The book can be simple which adds clarity and direction to my life, and other times it allows me to think for further knowledge and learning.

We have a prophet today that guides and directs our church through his holding the priesthood keys. He receives revelation the same way Joseph Smith did and the same way you and I can. Through prayer and quiet moments in our busy lives. His name is President Thomas S. Monson. He is a wonderful man, always trying to help the one in need and encouraging us to do likewise.

President Thomas S. Monson

I love that we have temples where we can be married for all eternity, not just for time. I love that I am sealed to my parents, siblings, and also sealed to my husband and my own children. We can always be together. Death can not separate us. That is a tremendous thing to know.

Oakland, CA Temple

I love that mormons are happy and optimistic. I know this church is true, that it helps makes good men and women better. I love being a part of it all. It is very exciting!  Here and there I have posted on my blog about my religion and how it is part of my daily life. You can read these posts here.

If you would like to know more about the Latter-Day Saints or Mormons you can click on the web address below. There you can learn more about the Savior, The Book of Mormon, the Joseph Smith story, our Temples, and our beliefs.

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