

A cousin's wedding

Back in March, I took a quick weekend trip by myself (WITHOUT KIDS-THANK YOU CHRIS)
to Utah to see my cousin,
Marie, get married in the Salt Lake Temple.

I loved the trip and spending time with extended family.
I stayed with Chris' Aunt, and had a wonderful time visiting her.
I also visited with my cousin Josh and his family,
and loved feeling the spirit in their home.

Family is everything.

On another note, I also took a quick trip to Ikea.
The store overwhelms me,
but I've learned to just get 1 or 2 things,
for my home when I visit,
and forget the need to buy the whole store.

I got this stool at my most recent visit,
My shorty kids need taller stools for hand & teeth brushing.
It's plastic and much more durable around water,
than wooden ones I've owned before.
I bought 2 of them, I love them so much.

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