

The Witness

Were you able to watch or listen to our church's recent General Conference?

Each time you listen, there is always something you feel personally for yourself,
even though the speakers speak to thousands throughout the world.

This time I was so touched by President Packer's message,
and all of the Apostles messages.
They are older now, some of them I have grown up
watching most of my life.

I stand in AWE of the years, and years of service and travel,
and the infinite amount of time they have devoted
to sharing the message of the gospel.
It meant a lot to me as I listened to conference,
and strengthened my resolve to do a little better.

If you only have time for 1 talk,
Even though we all know we should be thankful,
he put it in a new perspective, that is helpful for each us.

If you have time for a little more,
I liked the combination talks of Elder Holland's and Elder Andersen's talks
about standing and defending for truth and God's laws.

about marriage and I found insights into parenting too.
When my children fall down, I tend to get mad at them
"Why did you do that?",
instead of hugging them.

Elder Bednar's talk about the load was insightful as well.
When I put the load in context of 
our spiritual assignments that often feel like too much,
Church callings, temple and family history work,
scripture study, FHE, home and visiting teaching,
missionary work, church attendance, etc.
It all makes sense that this is exactly what we need to progress.
Then, in Sister Reeve's talk she reminded me that in order to accomplish the above,
we can let some of our temporal things go.
Even at times a clean, tidy house to have family spiritual time instead.

Elder Perry's quote about clarity was inspiring,
"I. . .challenge you to experiment upon my words,
and if you do, I promise that they will lead you to clarity of choice
when you are bombarded with choices and that they will lead to simple answers. . ."

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