

Look who's 12

We've started a tradition of getting our nails done over Christmas break.
We did that together on her b-day.
(This is something we both love to do to begin our new year!)

Then, Lindy told me,
"Remember mom, you said I could start wearing make-up when I turn 12."

"I said THAT, I don't remember that conversation." I said in total honesty.
"You mean like chapstick",  I inquired further.

"No, mom like real make-up."she told me with insistence.
"So what kind of make-up can I wear?", Lindy continued.
"Eye shadow, blush?"

And so, I realized that Lindy was growing up,
and I remember begging to wear make-up at her age, too.

After our nails were done, we went over
to our mall, and got her face done up at a make-up counter.
Then, over to Target to pick out some of her own make-up.
Light eye shadow, a blush, and some lip gloss.
It was a fun afternoon just the two of us.

Later, that night she requested homemade stew,
and a yellow cake.
(We tried a bundt cake this year because I got a bundt pan for Christmas.
The recipe was delicious.)

We opened her presents and played one of our new games Picturkea.
 Money from grandparents.
 A glue gun!
New shirt from grandma.

Later in the week,
Chris and I took Lindy to the temple.
(NieNie inspired me with the idea.)

When she turned 12, she received her own temple recommend from our Bishop.
Our temple offers open temple times for the youth
to come on their own to do baptisms.
We had a wonderful morning together being in the temple.
There is something extra special about being in the temple with your children.


  1. wow, what a great fabulous perfect birthday! Very fun traditions. I can't wait to be in the temple with Haylee! I so wish Lindy could be one of my beehives!!! oops, I put sparkly eye shadow on Haylee all the time. I guess I should wait until she's 12. For her preschool school pictures last year I put some pink sparkly eye shadow on her and she told me her teacher wiped it off for the pictures! I guess her teacher thinks I should wait until she is 12 too. Lindy is such a beautiful girl! We miss her and hope to see you guys really soon!!!!

  2. This sounds like the perfect 12th birthday! So fun for you two!

  3. Wow I can't believe she is 12!!! She's so pretty. Oh I can't wait for my babies to grow up and go to the temple too! That sounds neat!
