

Recent Photos of Brandon

 Making milk bubbles with a straw and loving it!

 Workin' hard with his new Snow Shovel

Bringing in the New Year with Sparkling Juice.
He couldn't get enough of the Bubbly. We put him to bed on time for New Years,
but he couldn't get to sleep knowing we were all up.
He was in full swing at midnight bringing in the New Year.

Being a helper, putting the silverware in the drawer.
He loves helping us put away the clean dishes from the dishwasher.


  1. Such great pictures!!! He's a busy little man. Hunter hasvthe same shovel! Cute! And hunter has the same job as Brandon with the silverware. But now hunter likes to put all of our silverware back in the dishwasher container so now he has a new job.

  2. What a cute little guy! And I have never made milk bubbles but it looks so cool I'm going to give it a try :)
