

Christmas Birthdays

Brandon turned 2 on Christmas Eve.
He was excited.
He knows what birthdays, cakes, presents and being sung to is all about.
He was happy to have a birthday!

 The Thomas Birthday Cake

He loved opening up his presents,
and he had lots of cousins and siblings to cheer him on!

We celebrated his b-day at lunch time.
He was born around noon.
It worked well.
I'm still figuring out the best way to do his b-day
amongst all the Christmas festivities.

As a pleasant surprise to me,
he's been a wonderful Christmas present for me and our family.
He's good-natured and pleasant.
He's still a 2 yr old with needs but he goes with the flow easily.
A child that goes with the flow, is a nice gift for me.

A few days after Christmas we celebrated Lindy's 11th B-day.
My sister, Molly, made her a cake and got her some fun earrings.
I love the hair flip in this picture.

Lindy is also a great daughter.
She raises herself.
I'm grateful for her talent of being responsible.

Last week, the YW's president in our ward called me.
"Is it really true Lindy will turn 12 this year?", she asked.
Yes, I confirmed, it's true.
"Well then, she's invited to New Beginnings in a couple weeks." she concluded.

YIKES, Young Women's!!!???!!!
When did this happen?

Lindy wanted to take  a couple of her friends to the nail salon to get their nails done for her b-day.
It was so much fun, the girls had a great time. Sadie came along too, and loved it just as much.
I decided to get mine done too!

This might become a new tradition for me.
Getting my nails done professionally after Christmas.
It's such a great way to start off the New Year and unwind after the rush of December.
I love getting the gellac or shellac manicure, it lasts for 2 weeks+.

I still love to use Sally Hansen's Xtreme Wear nail polish for a good home manicure.
Pair it with a good top coat to make it last a good week without chipping.
I love Sally Hansen's Insta-Dri in the red bottle or
Out the Door works as a great top coat too.

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