

A Family Update

Summer 2016 

I'm using an old family photo from 2016 to update you on our family in 2018.
That about describes my being able to keep up with our family.

Everything is moving FAST and BUSY,
and I can't keep up.

Chris had a birthday this week.
I won't tell you his age.
Just that he is approaching the BIG FIVE-O too quickly.
He stays busy keeping up with our kids sports
and with his dental practice.
He doesn't complain much,
and goes with the flow most of the time.
He wishes he could exercise more.
He loves snow and water skiing.
These two things keep him happy,
especially if we do them together as a family.
He serves in the Sun. School Presidency.

I'm fine, I think.
I feel tired and overwhelmed.
I eat ice cream,
and search for good, quality TV
shows to watch when the house is quiet. 
Which it rarely is.
I teach in Relief Society once a month.
I like being a Relief Society teacher.
I have also been asked to help plan stake girls camp
for this summer with other adult sisters.

Mothering Lindy
has proven to be stressful for me. 
I think it might have to do with being 16 and boys.
She plays the piano AMAZING,
and has been doing more performances.
I think she has straight A's,
but I don't keep up with her academics.
So I'm not sure.
She drives and has already had her 1st car accident.
More stress for me.
She is great runner,
and keeps improving on her High School
XC and track teams.
She loves fashion and is talented at it.

Kyle is 14.
He has a group of friends from middle school
that he likes to hang out with from time to time.
Sometimes this means girls too.
But he just acts whatever about it.
I think he is starting to grow a mustache.
His voice hasn't changed yet.
Sometimes he get a little performance anxiety
in relation to school sports.
We are aware of it and keep an eye on it.
He also excels in school but doesn't like to do extra work.
He gets by doing the bare minimum.
He plays on a year round soccer team and runs for his school too.
We're not sure what sport he will focus on in H.S. for next year.
He is athletic and likes to play video games.
Church dances are not his favorite thing.

Tate plays the Banjo.
He is interesting, curious, creative,
and is the kind of person to change the world for the better.
I think he will too.
He is always discovering a new skill weekly and monthly.
Once he gets it down, he goes to the next one.
This month it's back flips.
He does well in school, but can't always hear the teacher's
directions because he is focused on whatever new skill
or thing he is thinking about or creating.
His mind wanders.
We call it inattentive ADHD.
It hasn't proven to be much of a problem,
just something to understand about him.
He runs track for the middle school too.

Sadie, Sadie.
She can be pleasant, helpful and kind.
She can also be grumpy, moody, and anxious.
This has also taken parenting to new levels
of HARD.
She regularly meets with a counselor to help her
but in the tough moments,
it is still often her and I trying to
calm her down.
She turns 10 this week.
She likes to sing, dance and perform.
She is interested in the theatre.
She likes to play on her soccer team.

Brandon is our caboose.
He loves school and learning.
He enjoys reading,
and picked up on it quickly.
He thrives on learning math too.
He can be quiet,
but has recently taken to talking
A LOT at home.
Telling us all kinds of things.
He seems to appreciate being
in our backyard with our new dog Copper.
He likes having a buddy outside with him.
He likes to run and play soccer as well.

 I really missing blogging more often.
I feel bad that life has gotten too busy to record
our family life.
I rely on Instagram to help with that.
I hope you are all well and surviving too.
I know you each have unique challenges
and you are each enduring as best you can.


  1. Wow, I loved reading all your open and honest descriptions of each one of them, the strengths and the struggles. Your kids are amazing and so are you!

  2. Great updates!! You have an amazing family and you are doing a great job!
