

Lindy had a b-day too!

Now I have a teenager.

I have no idea how to raise a teenager.
I've worked in young women's in the past
in our lds church.
But, being a mother to a young women feels
very different.

I have so many questions:
How do I help her gain her own testimony?
If she can't go to dances until she's 14, then can she text boys?
How much should she be on instagram?
How can I make sure she works on her
personal progress, family history, etc. without being too naggy?

Lindy has met some new girl friends with our move,
She wanted to have them over for her 13th b-day.

We decided to try out the nearby rollerskating rink
for her b-day party. 
I think the girls had fun.
After skating we came back and the girls made Italian Sodas.

Italian Sodas are our new favorite thing to make.

You put some flavored syrup in the bottom of your cup.
Then, add some crushed ice,
some soda water,
and some half and half cream.
Stir with a straw!
Here's a recipe with more details.

Happy 13th B-day Lindy!
Can't wait to see what the year holds for you.
Wish me luck as I try to be a good mother
to you in my new season of life.

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