

Decorating Sugar Cone Christmas Trees with Cousins

Tate, Hunter, and, Matthew doing serious work.
 Brandon being extra careful.
 Cousin Sam and Haylee busy at work.
 Aunt Karen showing them how to get it done right.
 Kyle carefully adding his details.
 Cousin Matthew sooooo super excited.
 Tate making sure to get every part of the cone covered.
 Finished Trees:

My sister, Karen, came to town as a last minute surprise
in early December. All of our kids, including my sister's kids
who live nearby, had fun hanging out one evening.

We needed an easy Christmas activity.

My sister, Karen, suggested decorating sugar cones as Christmas Trees.

Just buy a few boxes of sugar cones, make some green frosting,
and decorate with any small candies.

Favorite Frosting Recipe for Decorating (very sugary, beware)
2 lbs. (8 c.) powder sugar
2/3 c. crisco
2 T. milk (I always add more for right consistency for spreading)
1-2 t. vanilla
1/4 c. light corn syrup
Mix together, add your food coloring.
My favorite food coloring paste by Wilton.

It was super easy and fun for all ages, boys too!

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