

An Easy Christmas Kid Craft, Christmas music, and a Christmas Video

Brandon is working on this craft today.
Inspiration found here.

My favorite Christmas music this season is this album:

I like song #'s: 1,3,4,7,11 and 12.

We watched and talked about this video:

for our Family Home Evening,
and our trying to do a little something
each day to share the gift.
Just small acts of service:
 a smile, a compliment, a thank you, etc.

With raising a family,
I can feel inadequate at times.
Not doing enough here or there.
I just do the best I can,
even in small ways.
A video, some music, a craft.

1 comment:

  1. Fun to catch up on your blog! "It's Not About the Nail" - that was hilarious and quite insightful. Thanks for the wet brush link; my girls have been talking about this magical invention. And congrats on the move! Would love to here all about it. Merry Christmas!
