

Family Favorite Pumpkin Seed Recipe

Sweet and Salty Pumpkin Seeds from Real Simple Magazine

Abt. 2 cups pumpkin seeds, rinsed and patted dry.

(I rinse them out in a colander,
and usually let them sit out overnight on a cookie sheet)

2 T. melted butter

Mix these together in small bowl
2 T. sugar
1/2 t. salt
1/4 t. ground cinnamon

Heat oven to 300 F. Spread the seeds on a rimmed baking sheet,
and bake until dry throughout,
50-60 min.

Increase oven temp to 350 F. 
In a large bowl toss the seeds with the sugar mixture, then slowly add in the
melted butter, to evenly coat.
Return the seeds to the baking sheet in the oven,
and toast, until golden brown, 10-15 min.

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