

Biking to see Elder Bednar

We usually have 9 am church, that our family frequently arrives late for.

In August, for our church's stake conference (a larger gathering to hear inspired messages on Sunday from our church leaders) we had the unique opportunity to hear from an Apostle, Elder David Bednar.

It was unique to hear from an Apostle since we have such a large, world-wide church.
There are 3,000+ stakes in the world, and only 12 Apostles.
Elder Bednar shared that with our current church's numbers it takes
40+years for an Apostle to visit a stake.

Elder Bednar was in Idaho to preside at the
Our stake was having stake conference the same weekend,
and we were fortunate to have him speak.

I was worried on Saturday night, the night before conference.
How would our family get a seat?
It would be crowded.
How would we all get up extra early, and wait in our seats,
and then still have reverent children for the 2 hour church meeting.

To my surprise, my children did wake up early, got dressed,
and ready without complaining.
That alone was a major accomplishment.

Chris had to get to the church building early to help with parking.
My children were up and ready to go with him.
They all biked to the church and waited in their seats
for close to 2 hours to hear an Apostle speak.

This was an unexpected Mother's Moment for me.
I'm grateful for those moments.

P.S. I will try to share what Elder Bednar spoke about in a future post.

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