

A New School Year

 The 7th grader, middle school
English, Band, Algebra, World Civ, Spanish, Art

 The 3rd grader
with Mr. Braerman, who has a mohawk.
Crazy, right?
There was something about it, though,
that made me feel like
 he and Tate will get along great, which is a good thing.

 The 5th grader with Mrs. Harvey

 The 1st grader with her lunch box!
Her teacher is Mrs. Marshall.
Chris said, "Oh my" when he saw
Sadie's outfit for today.

I've enjoyed cleaning our house after summer today in quiet.
Brandon is home with me this year,
he likes to talk, but doesn't get too loud.
Brandon wanted to make cookie cutter cookies today,
and is taking a looooong bath.

Dying to hear how these kids day has been.


  1. A mohawk! Funny. The principal at our high school last year had a nose ring. Which was kind of weird. But then I noticed she also had a tongue stud! I don't know... I thought I was okay with expressing oneself, but I guess I do have certain expectations for educators?

  2. Wow, the kids look great! Love the pink boots! Can't believe Lindy is in 7th grade.

  3. Those boots! Love the pictures!

  4. They all look great!

  5. Anonymous10:28 AM MDT

    So fun! I'm trying to be happy that school is back in, but I'm just not yet. Right now it just means I have mountains of paperwork to fill out and we don't get to do what we want. I'm glad you're enjoying a semi-quiet house!
