

January is almost over

I'm actually sad January is coming to a quick close.
I still need time to unwind from the Fall and the holidays.

Along comes February, with another holiday, and plans for Spring and Summer are calling me.
Our calendar is quickly filling up again. All good things, I suppose.

Every time I try to embrace the quiet, and take a relaxed approach to a day or a weekend -
my kids never seem to need that relaxed approach.
When I want to relax they want to watch tv,
for a long time, because I want to relax for a long time.
When I want to stay home and kick back, they get bored in an hour and the fighting begins.

So with careful balance, we fill the calendar with activities and to-do's to keep our active kids
engaged in good things.  But, the balance is always hard to find, with so many different needs and wants in our family.
In the thick of it all, it feels like I get it wrong half the time.

That's ok, we'll just keep trying.

Have you watched any good movies or tv shows recently?

You liking Downton Abby this season? How about Sherlock?

I just enjoyed watching the movies Captain Phillips, and Jack Reacher.


  1. We enjoyed watching Mitt this weekend. We felt sad watching it. Wish things turned out differently for him.

  2. I'm bummed we don't have Netflix to watch it. His hair looks so cool!

  3. Come on over, Molly & Jeremy!

  4. We just watched jack reacher and loved it! I thought it was a great movie. I just signed haylee up for hip hop dance class and gymnastics. Hunty is in gymnastics too! All the sudden I feel too busy. All three things are on a different night, with mutual my only free night is Friday. I don't like that :( I don't know how anybody keeps up with more than two children!!!

  5. darn, I was hoping life calms down the older your children get! I feel like I'm living in a tornado and they aren't even taking any classes or school yet! ha!
