

Christmas 2012

The kids had a great Christmas, I think.  I hope.
We had a large family gathering of both our parents,
my two sisters and their families, and my Grandpa.

We also celebrated 2 of my kids' birthdays,
and 14 years of marriage.
I was wiped out after Christmas.
We were all healthy for Christmas, though.
That was a Christmas miracle for our family. Truly.

I have found I don't take good, if any, Christmas photos.
Too busy doing all the things moms do on Christmas.

Oh Well . . .
my motto for the Holidays and for 2013 is
"Imperfection is Perfection"
(My sister, Sally gave me this great quote.)

The only perfect thing I managed this Christmas

Our Annual Christmas Eve Program,
the Wells act out the Twelve Days of Christmas in song.
You can see our Coloring Contest on the back wall.
That's always a fun Christmas Eve Tradition.

Lindy plays the clarinet for the program.

Cousin Spencer sings Silent Night. We all loved it!

Sadie was the angel and sang Jingle Bells, We are the Wells!

Cousin Sam wrote our nativity play all by himself.
It was fantastic, the best nativity I've seen in a long time.

Grandpa Ricks was our Innkeeper,
He also did a great game of his life.
We had to guess what was True and False about his life.
Lucky, for my mom, his daughter, she won the game.

Tate as a shepherd.
Lindy, as Mary, saves the baby Jesus from Brandon, the wiseman.
He dropped his gift a little too forcefully on the baby.

Christmas Morning!
Guess who got a guitar?
Maybe Chris needs new Christmas Pajamas for next year.

Lindy got an iPod!
She loved it!

Kyle got the Wii skylanders' Game.
He wanted the new Wii U, so this Christmas was a lesson in
being grateful anyways.

Tate got his own tools and a new bike.
He's questioning me why his tools have a Home Depot logo on it,
and why the Elves would get something for him at the store.

Sadie got her own Vanity and some lotions and makeup.
She loves it and we often find lotion in her hair now.
We have to keep Brandon away from it . He likes to smash her new lipsticks and paint his hands.

Brandon loves playing with cars so here's his gift from Santa.
He also got some paints, because he truly loves painting!
He loves Christmas!

That's it for now.
Birthday Photos coming soon.

1 comment:

  1. That's the same toy we almost got for hunter!!
