

So much to do, so little time

Summer is quickly coming to an end at our house.
I would like to tell you some things that helped my summer go well, but there just isn't time.

I feel rushed all of a sudden and panicked about my to-do list.
It's long and even some things far away, but they are things on my mind.
Here it is:

Clean Lindy's room
Call piano teachers
Do visiting teaching
Cancel tennis lessons
Check bank accounts, new system in place may have messed up bill pay
Design 2-3 projects for husband's dental office - Do some of his marketing
Plan upcoming get-a-aways
Decide if I'm going to Time Out for Women
Make Dust Collector Phone Calls
Do my weekly house project -Frame 2 pictures
Make something for Sister
Sign up for Women's Fitness Celebration
Plan fall classes for kids????
Check when temple reopens - Plan time to go
Start thinking about kids' b-days
What am I doing for Christmas cards? Should I send them at all?
Go through toys - get rid of some
Practice reading with Kyle, Practice math with Lindy
Contact Tate's preschool teacher
Get to grocery store
Take kids to pirate park
Plan R.S. lesson
Go over upcoming camping trip meals
Clean basement in case company comes
Update blog, have gotten behind on stuff the kids/we did this summer
Keep up with laundry & dishes
What's for dinner?

1 comment:

  1. OK, so you went to the pirate park. Check. And the temple is open again now. Check. I am going Sat. morning with some girlies if you want to join us. Check.
