Lindy and Kyle started piano lessons this summer. I wasn't sure how it was going to go.
I'm not one of those moms that wanted to sit with them everyday to help them practice.
I also didn't want to beg, plead, bribe, yell, or send them to their rooms if they didn't practice.
It went great! My sister Molly, was their teacher, that's why it went great.
The kids got a wonderful start, had fun, enjoyed it, practiced mainly on their own.
It was a great thing to start this summer! Thanks Miss Molly!
FYI: Lindy is 8 and Kyle 6. Since Kyle isn't quite reading on his own yet, I had to put a little time in to help him. In general they seemed to be at good ages to start piano.
We got a piano!
A family in our ward who owns a music store was having their annual university piano sale. (Discounted, used pianos that the local university had used.)I went and picked out a digital piano. It was brand new- but discounted. It seemed like the right thing for our family. A digital piano. It feels like real piano keys and has a good touch to it. It's not super fancy with tons of buttons and lights. Which I like, because I still want our kids to learn the piano basics without all the fancy buttons.
It has volume control - that's nice! The kids can record songs. They like that.
We never have to tune it. I like that.
I like that the piano looks like a relatively nice piece of furniture.
If as the years go by, one of our kids or a couple of them take piano more seriously, then we will look into getting a nicer, acoustic, real piano.
For now this digital piano seems like a great fit for our family's needs.
Now I'm ready to buy this:
Easy Piano for
An easy piano solo from this movie soundtrack.
I think I should learn to play this music instead of making my kids do it.
I have always remembered you saying that you wanted your kids to learn to play the piano so they could play coldplay all day, haha. That always made me laugh