

Lunch with Katie

I changed the name of my blog.  It turns out after looking at a lot of blogs; I have discovered that there are quite a few blogs with the same title or description as, "my favorite things".
I like to stand out a little.

So for now my blog is called Lunch with Katie.
(Until I discover lots of other blogs have the same name or idea.)

If I could have lunch with each of you, this blog serves as all the fun things (or not so fun things) we'd talk about and share with eachother.  I recognize this blog is mostly a one-sided conversation, so feel free to comment whenever you feel like so I don't feel like I'm always talking too much. I have that problem anyway.


  1. You're too cute! It's a GREAT title.

  2. Perfect. Love it. I would absolutely love to have lunch with you. That would be so fun. Any chance you'll be in Wichita sometime? I know it's not a top tourist destination. Good thing I have your blog.

    Question: Where do you find all your images including the cute one in your title? I can never find ones I like and you always have such perfect ones with your posts.

  3. Heidi,

    Thanks for all your great comments. Someday we will have to do lunch for sure. I would like to come your way someday.
    Don't worry about your blog with pictures and stuff.
    Your writing is fantastic and a ton of fun to read.
    I enjoy it regularly!

    The short answer: I google and do a little bing.
    I make sure I select images, so when I search I only get pictures/photos. (Mark strict for your image searches.)

    I'm a visual person, when I make a post I have a specific image I'm looking for. I'm picky. I often search for longer than I should. It does take a little time.

    The long answer: I studied graphic design/communications in college. In Boston I worked at a place designing websites. All of these skills, I think, help me with my blog.

    I knew I wanted a Mary Engelbreit image for my lunch image. I had to search a long time to find just what I was looking for. Then I enhanced it and created more backgrounds and added the lettering.
    It took a while to create, I didn't just whip it up in 5 min. I have adobe photoshop and illustrator programs/software?? to help me create things on the computer.

    Hope that helps. Have a good week!

  4. Love your blog, Katie! I learn lots from it and appreciate your great attitude. And congrats on #5--you're a great Mom on top of it!
